Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Class Discussion 9-23-08

Today in class we continued to discuss Foucault's essay, Panopticism. We talked about the plague, which Fouault opens with, and the panopticon We determined that the plague symbolized chaos and that the panopticon represented discipline and order. We also discussed what each did, for example, how the order brought on by the panopticon allowed for synergy amongst society and makes people do what they are suppose to.

One student in our class argued, I think, that the plague, which represented chaos, brought upon, or atleast, helped bring discipline. For lack of a better analogy, it's like having light that hits an object and creates a shadow. The shadow only exists because of the presence of light.

I enjoyed today's discussion mostly because it allowed me to comprehend Foucault's writing better than what i previously understood, although I am still fuzzy on most his writing.

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